That’s right, not even a mile away from my apartment is a Half Price Bookstore. You know how much I love HPB and now I can even walk to one! Granted, my walking is going to be limited to either early in the morning or late in the day as the temps are inching closer and closer to 100 every day.
But, back to HPB. I decided to stop there today instead of going to the public library as I’m still waiting on my new driver’s license and I need that before I can get my library card. I was hoping to find Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton for the next Slaves discussion but no luck. I’ve actually looked for this one in several bookstores and nothing. I know I can easily order it online but now I almost feel like I’m on a quest to find this at a bookstore. Heh.
I did find Cruddy by Lynda Barry at HPB so it was still a successful visit. I adored One Hundred Demons by Barry and have been wanting to read something else by her. This seems like it will be a good one. Anyone read it?
Finally, two things you should check out. Nymeth is hosting the latest Bookworms Carnival. It is a treasure trove of all things Fairy Tale. And, Megan at Po(sey) Sessions just announced Teen Tuesday. You won’t want to miss either of those!
What an excellent excuse for a walk (at least in seasons other than summer)!
I hope you enjoy your new location.
I wish I’m staying near to a bookstore, then I can check on the book releases anytime I want to, lol! 😉
I’m so jealous of your close bookstore! It’s probably good I don’t live close to one though, that’s where all my money would go.
Very dangerous. I bet all the employees at HPB will soon know you by name 🙂
OK, major temptation within walking distance!! 😉 At least with HP books you can sell some of those books you are willing to let go of in the process of collecting new ones!!
Not very familiar with Lynda Barry so will have to check her out. I like the idea of the bookworm carnival too!
Oh my gosh, can you feel the envy vibes coming off of me?! First you move to Austin, and now you’re a stone’s throw from a HPB! I can’t wait for my next Texas visit in August. Half-Price, here I come!
Lucky you to be so close to HPB! Mine is out of the way for me, so I don’t ever go there! If you’re really desperate–Glimpses of the Moon is online at Project Gutenberg, but I know what a drag it is to read books online!
3m – Exactly! Now I can get my exercise 🙂
Melody – The great thing about a Half Price Bookstore is that you never know what they’ll have in stock. So you kind of do have to keep an eye on them 🙂
nik – That’s true! I think my husband is scared about how that – ha,ha..
Stefanie – Oh that would be great! Who knows I may have to get a job there 🙂
Christine – Very true Chica. I love my books but I don’t have a problem getting rid of books I didn’t like so that’s good. And, do look for a Barry book when you can. So cool.
Andi – Ha,ha.. well, I admit though that the Dallas HPB store is the best. The one on NW Hwy. is huge! I don’t think any can compare.
Danielle – Oh that’s too bad it’s not closer to you. Well, maybe it’s a good thing for the pocketbook! Oh and I didn’t realize the book was online. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll keep searching but it’s good to have a backup plan!
Are your streets hilly?
Is it a bit humid or dry?
You need more excuses to visit the other bookstore! Good luck with the hunt.
so is hpb a discount bookstore or is it a used bookstore?
Sounds like the perfect location 😀
Thanks for spreading the word about the Carnival, Iliana!
Having a Half Price Books that close would certainly be my undoing! I’d be over there constantly checking their stock and no doubt spending oodles of money! I am happy and insanely jealous for you though. 🙂
Yikes! It’s probably a good thing that I don’t live within walking distance of a HPB store!
I feel for you with that heat. The first year we lived in Texas I thought I would just about die from the heat. I can’t remember exactly how many days we went above 100, but it was unbelievable. And it never seemed to cool off at night like it does elsewhere. Having said that, if I ever have to move back to TX, I want to live in Austin!!
That’s about how far the closest bookstore is from my house! It’s neat isn’t it to be a bookstore within a stone’s throw away? 🙂
Isabel – Not very hilly. I think it’s more humid than Dallas. Luckily my allergies haven’t gone haywire but I’m knocking wood! 🙂
Bluestocking – HPB is a used bookstore although I have found a lot of new books too – they are typically the extras.
Nymeth – I think it is! And, I’m super close to an indie bookstore and some other bookstores too. I don’t think this will be good for my budget but oh well – I’ll be happy! 🙂
Carl V. – I know it can be a dangerous thing right? I just love that store!
Les in NE – I’ve lived in Texas forever and it seems like each year the heat annoys me more. Granted in the winter I love it here as we have so many sunny days!
Matt – Ah, now I see why you are at a bookstore every day -ha,ha.. I haven’t lived this close to a bookstore in years so I’m going to be bragging about this for a while!
*sigh* Austin. How I love thee.
You might check and see if the library will take something else in lieu of the driver’s license. I know that 2 of our local systems, at least, will accept anything with proof of address (like a check or utility bill). The other local system does require a photo ID, though, so APL might be the same way.
Somer – It’s a great city isn’t it? You know, I just got my license so I’m going to the library tomorrow and getting my card! I’ll post on it that’s for sure 🙂