I still haven’t quite shaken off the cold I caught even though most of the weekend I’ve been resting. However, cold or no cold, I was not going to miss the book sale the local schools put together. I grabbed my big book bag and my wallet and I had a blast.
I would list all the goodies but I’m kind of tired. I blame it on the medicine I’m taking. Instead here’s a picture of what $30 got me. Not bad. Now, where do I put these?
Wow! These are some great finds, and all for only $30! I’ll have to borrow some of these from you girl. I hope you get to feeling back to 100% real soon. I’ll see you at our book group meeting, hope you have a great Monday.
Wouldn’t we all like to find such a sale! Several titles there I’d like to own. Lost in Translation and Gilead among them.
Good wishes for your better health.
(a new visitor who enjoys your blog)
I’ll let you keep them on my shelves.
Ooooh, looks like you made a killin’!
I hope you’re feeling better soon. I need to hit up the Alka Seltzer Cold stuff (awful taste) because I feel like I have a cold coming on.
Looks like some good stuff in there.
Wow, I’m jealous. I want such sales here, too!
“To say nothing of the dog” is one of my all-time favorites. I’ve read it in New Zealand and just mooched a copy on Bookmooch to finally read it again. You’re gonna have so much fun with this. :o)
Isn’t that always the problem. I need more wall space and book shelves to help with my reading habit!
That’s quite a stack — enjoy it and feel better!
What a great haul! I really liked To Say Nothing of the Dog! I can’t read them all, but Martha Grimes is another of my favorites.
Great finds and what a bargain! Book sales rcck. (haha).
Hope that you are feeling better and make it to your book group tonight and hopefully I see you at the one tomorrow night.
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! Looks like you got a great stack of books! Have fun reading them!
I love Arturo Perez-Reverte! I vividly remember reading The Flanders Panel; I was so consumed with the story, the plot and characters, the writing, and to this day it remains one of my favorite mysteries. I’ve scooped up all of his books since.
And, you know, I’ve always wanted to read Connie Willis, but haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet. When you get around to it, let us know what you think!
Hope you’re all better soon!
Whoohoo! What a haul! I enjoyed West with the Night and Night.
Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Hope you feel better soon! What a great deal. And, what a great idea, I should suggest that to my school!
Shadan – I know which book I’m going to lend you too 🙂
Narcissus – Thank you for stopping by! I think I lucked out with some of those titles didn’t I?
Adrienne – hee,hee.
Andi – You are sick too? Hope it won’t be a bad one.
Nik – I know. I’m so excited at my finds.
Samulli – I have heard so many good things about Connie Willis. This will be the year I finally read one of her books. I promise.
Stephanie – I definitely need more space for the books. It’s getting bad.
Dorothy W. – Thank you! I’ve been resting a lot and that’s helping.
Jenclair – I’ve only read two of the Jury books but I’ve already stocked up on several of them as I really liked the first.
Christine – I told you I wasn’t going to keep away from the book sale. Hee. I hope I can make it to book group tomorrow!
Danielle – Thank you! Hopefully this cold will be gone soon.
Chelle – It’s so funny, I read one Arturo Perez-Reverte book and absolutely enjoyed it but haven’t read any others. I couldn’t believe how many of his I found. So excited.
Les in NE – I’m looking forward to those and good to know you enjoyed them 🙂
Nancy – Yes, suggest that to your school. It was the local PTA that put this together – this is the third or fourth year and it’s been such a success for them, and well, me too 🙂
Oh, wow, you got some great titles! I have a few of those on the TBRs. Hope you shake that cold, soon.
Nice pile! And way to not let your cold get in the way of a good book frenzy 🙂
Great haul! I never find deals like that.
Nancy – Thanks, I think I’m finally getting over it!
Stefanie – I love book frenzies don’t you 🙂
Susan – I’ll send some good book vibes your way so you can get some deals – hee.
Oh wow! What a yummy stack!
I hope that you’re feeling better!
Ooh, Sarah Canary and West with the Night! Good ones.
Take care of your cold.
That’s quite a haul! I recognized a few titles in there, some I’ve read and some are on my ‘to read’ or wishlist. 🙂
I’m off to a library book sale this week, too – I hope I’m as lucky as you are!
Amelia – Thank you. Finally feeling normal 🙂
LK – Yeah, I wasn’t sure about Sarah Canary but am glad to hear you liked it.
Lesley – Have a blast at the book sale. Can’t wait to read about the loot you’ll find!