Monthly Archive:: October 2008

Filling the Bookshelves

Part of the organizing that I meant to do today was to make room in the bookshelves for a few new books that I’ve received recently. Granted, I started looking at the books, looking through the TBR stacks, reminiscing about books I have read ...Read More

Sweetsmoke Giveaway

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I’ve been so busy with family visits and stuff that I’ve hardly opened up my books this weekend (gasp!) but today after I try to bring some order to our home, go grocery shopping and all of that, ...Read More

Friday Finds

It’s time for another edition of Friday Finds and I’m going to share with you some of the books that I’ve added to my wish list recently after having read about them in various book blogs. Red Bird by Mary Oliver. I heard about ...Read More