
I hope you’ve all had a good start of the new year. I know that’s challenging when we see COVID-19 numbers surging and don’t even get me started on what was going on at the Capitol last week. Good grief. I have not been making a lot of progress in my reading but that’s because work was busy and I was kind of hooked on the news. But, really thank goodness for books that take us away from all of this. I have been greatly enjoying one of my reads and wanted to share a bit about it.

“Tut, tut! Miss Lucy! I hope we shall soon emancipate you from Baedeker. He does but touch the surface of things. As to the true Italy – he does not even dream of it. The true Italy is only to be found by patient observation.”

Founded in 1827, Baedeker was a German publisher who pioneered the business of world travel guides. They offered practical advice for travelers, including detailed maps and a star-rating for hotels, restaurants and cultural sights.

This line made me remember my first trips to Europe and how much I’ve changed as a traveler since my first trips. Not just because now we can rely on finding a lot of information online and you don’t need a fold-out map when you are touring a city, but while I do love to go and see the important sites in a new city, I also enjoy going off the beaten path and finding my own places. As you know, one of the things I most enjoy doing is visiting bookshops in foreign countries. I also love stationery and art supply stores, antique stores and libraries. I think it’s so important to take time and really experience the place where you are at. I know that is often complicated because of course time and money.

Bolzano, Italy, 2012

But, I completely understand how much Lucy and the other characters in this novel rely on those Baedeker guides. I believe my first guidebook was a Fodor’s and then I found Lonely Planet guides which were much more my style. When I started traveling in the early 90s I had to rely on these to get the most of my trips. How I remember packing my backpack with the travel guide, books, travel journal, a Minolta and 10+ rolls of camera film.

Now I no longer take a guide because I save all the information I want to checkout on my iPhone. My backpack is downright light nowadays as it just holds my Kindle, a light jacket, lip balm and of course my travel journal.

The way I travel has really changed and I’m sure it now feels so different as I’ve traveled many times to Europe. Of course who knows what travel will be like once we are over the pandemic but the one thing I know I’ll always hope for is that whatever B&B, apartment or hotel we stay in that we will always have a room with a view.

Tell me if you enjoy traveling and if so, what’s one thing that you’ve noticed has changed for you over time.

  1. January 11, 2021
  2. January 11, 2021
  3. January 11, 2021
  4. January 11, 2021
  5. January 12, 2021
  6. January 12, 2021
  7. January 12, 2021
  8. January 15, 2021
  9. January 18, 2021