Tagged, Smooched & Gifted

A bit of everything for tonight’s post. First, Melody tagged me on the Book Meme: Page 123

The Rules for this meme are:

  • Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages)
  • Open the book to page 123
  • Find the fifth sentence
  • Post the next three sentences
  • Tag five people

“I had felt the impotence and agony of childhood. I remembered, I did not remember. And the strange thing was, that, in the end, it came to exactly the same thing.”

This is from Engleby by Sebastian Faulks which is probably the next book I’m going to read.

Next, Bookie is spreading the love.


She sent me and some other wonderful bloggers some smooches and now I get to pass those on however I am being very lazy tonight… Notice I didn’t tag anyone on the Book Meme either. So if you are reading this, consider yourself smooched. Thank you for stopping by and commenting and always offering your friendship and book recommendations!

Finally I also need to thank Isabel for having sent me two books recently. She sent me Gilgamesh by Joan London and The Conjurer’s Bird by Martin Davies. Such nice copies and books I’m sure I’ll enjoy.

Well, I think I caught up on some stuff – heh. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend planned. We’ve got a couple of things going on this weekend but hopefully I’ll join in on the Sunday Salon so see you then!

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Bag of Books

I grabbed one of my larger book totes today as I headed out hoping that I’d have lots of books to fill it up with. You see, I went to a book sale! One of the suburbs nearby was having a book sale with the purpose of raising money for a scholarship fund and my small contribution of $11 got me this bag full.


I can’t just show you books without titles right? Here’s what’s in the bag:

I think I got some good ones.

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Library Love

I found this meme over at Melissa’s who got it from Becky. This meme is to celebrate Library Lovers Month and how can I not participate as I love my local library. Here it goes:


How do you plan on celebrating Library Lovers month? Lately my visits haven’t lasted very long but in honor of this I promise to make my next visit a nice and relaxing one. I’m going to read magazines, wander over various sections and check out some new books.

How often do you accidentally spell library as ‘libary’ when you’re in a hurry? I really haven’t paid attention.

What is the most amount of books you’ve ever had checked out at one time? My library has a limit of 40 books but I typically stay well under that range – probably around 15 max.

What is the longest you’ve ever gone without visiting the library? When I went to college I never visited the public library. I wasn’t very impressed by their collection or the library itself.

What is the biggest fine you’ve ever had? Around $10.

When you go to the library, do you plan ahead and make a list? Or do you browse? Mainly I browse. Sometimes I do have a list of DVDs or books my mom wants.

Have you ever been shushed or hushed by a librarian? Nope.

What is the worst (against-the-rules) thing you’ve ever done in the library? I can’t think of anything.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to a library book? Nothing to a book but I do remember losing a CD I had borrowed. I was a good patron though and bought a replacement CD for the library.

Have you ever had a “favorite” librarian? There are two librarians who I love chatting with at my library. They also lead one of the book groups the library hosts and I used to attend it until I realized I had too many book groups going on. I haven’t run into my favorite librarians in a while but I do enjoy stopping by and catching up on book talk.

If you could change one thing about your library it would be… My library is wonderful. Actually I’m very spoiled because there are two branches near my house and they both have cafes, comfy chairs, free internet, and a great selection of new books. So there’s not much more they could improve aside from maybe subscribing to more magazines or literary journals.

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