Catching Up

I’ve had a really good week spending time with my family and such but now I think I have a lot of catching up to do. I’ve barely had time to read even and last time I looked at my Bloglines the number of unread feeds scared me. heh.

Anyway, moving on to The Shape of Mercy giveaway – congrats to Betty & Boo’s Mommy! Thanks to everyone who entered. And, you won’t believe this but I have another book giveaway coming up this week. Woo-hoo, don’t you just love free books.

So plans for this weekend include a trip to the bookstore (I heard that Borders is having a big sale), catching up on blogs and emails, and hopefully finishing The Serpent and the Scorpion. I’m really enjoying this book.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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I’ve been spending some time with my family and am feeling very spoiled. My mom and my cousin went to the Feria Internacional del Libro (International Book Fair) in Monterrey last week and they got me some presents.

I got a very nice edition of Retrato en Sepia by Isabel Allende (Portrait in Sepia) and a very nice handmade bookmark. I’m just jealous I wasn’t able to go this time. But, that’s okay because the Texas Book Festival is coming up in two weeks and you know I’ll be there.

Anyway, I’m going to spend time with my family, run errands and the like so I’ll be back to blogging and blog hopping later in the week. Hope you are all reading something good and I’ll check back with you guys soon.

P.S. Thanks for everyone who’s entered the giveaway. I’ve got your name down and there’s still plenty of time so keep the entries coming!

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Book Giveaway: The Shape of Mercy

Hope everyone is recovering from the read-a-thon. I read a total of 10 hours so I’m pretty happy with that. Today, I’ve done no reading though as I’ve had some stuff to take care of but I wanted to tell you about the giveaway I have this week:

shapeofmercy.jpgThe Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner has been getting a lot of attention around the blogosphere. I have a copy waiting for me but the publishers were kind enough to send me an extra for a giveaway.

Here’s a bit about the book:

“We understand what we want to understand.”

Leaving a life of privilege to strike out on her own, twenty-year-old Lauren Durough breaks with her family’s expectations and takes a part-time job from eight-three-year-old librarian Abigail Boyles, who asks Lauren to transcribe the journal entries of Mercy Hayworth, a victim of the Salem witch trials.

Immediately, Lauren finds herself drawn to this girl who lived and died four centuries ago. As the fervor around the witch accusations increases, Mercy becomes trapped, unable to fight the overwhelming influence of snap judgments and superstitions. Lauren realizes that the secrets of Mercy’s story extend beyond the pages of her diary, living on in the mysterious, embittered Abigail.

The strength of her affinity with Mercy forces Lauren to take a startling new look at her own life, including her relationships with Abigail, her college roommate, and a young man named Raul. But on the way to the truth, will Lauren find herself playing the helpless defendant or the misguided judge? Can she break free from her own perceptions and see who she really is?

Sounds great doesn’t it? If you are interested in the book, leave me a comment and I’ll draw a name by this Friday. Thanks and good luck!

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