Finished & Started

Well, my plans for a lot of bookbinding this weekend kind of didn’t happen as my husband and I spent a good deal of time organizing the studio. In a way, that was probably for the best as now things feel more in place so hopefully this coming week I can finally tackle my bookbinding projects.

yearoffog.jpgI did spend quite a bit of time with books though and finished The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond. This was such a readable book. The story is about a child that goes missing. The soon-to-be stepmother, Abby, had been out with the little girl taking photographs and in the one instant she turns to take a picture, the little girl is gone. There is a lot of emphasis on memories and photographs which I really enjoyed reading about, although if you look at the Amazon reviews, you’ll see a lot of people found that “boring”. What I’m now trying to figure out is how well I liked the ending. I can’t tell you why I’ve had some issues with it because I’d spoil the book but I’m going to take a bit of time to think on it and then come back with a review.

Speaking of reviews, the year just started and I’m already behind. I’ve finished four books already and I really must tell you about them so those will be coming soon.

Now I had to dive into a couple of books this weekend and I found myself opening the pages and falling into these novels.

  • The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama. Because I really want to finish my Japanese reading challenge and because I’d had this book on my bookshelf for a while.
  • Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. Because BookBrowse sent this to me and wants a review soon. This is quite a chunky book but already I’m swept into the story.
  • Birdman by Mo Hayder. Because Melody recently reviewed another Hayder book and it got me thinking that I’ve been meaning to read something by this author for a long time.

Good stories to start the week. Hope you are also starting off your week with some great reads.

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In the Studio

It’s been almost a month since I spent some time bookbinding. The last couple of weeks of December I was busy getting orders out and then with the holidays upon us I decided it would be best to clean up my craft table, organize my supplies but leave everything prepared until the new year.

So as you can imagine, I’ve been itching to get back to all of my projects in progress and with my recent visit to Dallas to see my mom, I couldn’t pass up an afternoon at the Craft Guild.

I worked on a cloth covered book which will also have a closure. For the cloth I’ve used some upholstery fabric and I’m using some wool thread for the outside stitching. Here’s what it looks like so far although right now that button you see on there isn’t sewn on yet and I’m planning to cover a button with similar cloth:


Here’s a picture of the spine. I know it’s hard to tell but the black, wool thread will be sewn in a way that it will look like a chain stitch on the outside.


I hope I can finish this on my own but if not I’ll take it back with me to the Craft Guild next time I go up to Dallas.

This weekend I’m looking forward to playing in the studio – lots. I’m also looking forward to some serious blog hopping. Not having internet at my mom’s really put a cramp in my internet addiction. Ha. Anyway, have a great weekend and more book talk soon.

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First Book

Have you already bought your first book(s) of the year? I was hoping to hold out a bit longer but my mom wanted to go to Half Price Books to look for a calendar and I couldn’t resist a little something for me.

murderportland.jpgI found a copy of Murder at the Portland Variety by M.J. Zellnick. This is a first in a series set in 1894 Portland. A vaudeville actress is found murdered and a seamstress working for the same theater, Libby, isn’t convinced it was a random kidnapping gone wrong. So she sets to investigate.

You know how much I enjoy historical mysteries so I couldn’t pass up on this one.

When I wandered to the Clearance Section I quickly spotted a copy of The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry and I was thinking “oh, lucky bookgirl” until I picked up the book and realized that some of the pages were warped and the book had a lot of writing in it. Now I know why it was on clearance. The book had to go back on the shelf.

I love used books but they have to be pretty good copies before they find a home with the rest of my books. Anyway, it was still a fun visit to the bookstore and I’m glad I found a book that had been on my wish list.

How about you, which books have you recently bought?

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