Nightstand Archive

Seven Random Book Facts

Melody and The Biblio Brat tagged me on this fun meme of bookish facts that’s been going on around the blogosphere. I love these things so thanks you guys. Here’s the deal: Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on ...Read More

Currently Reading

So what’s been keeping me busy this weekend (well, aside from bookbinding?), lots of books. I’m almost done with The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett and it’s a good thing as I have a book group meeting on Tuesday. I’ve been really surprised by ...Read More

At the Compound

You’ve got to promise me that if you ever make it to Austin aside from visiting one of my favorite bookstores, BookPeople, you will also go to Moxie and the Compound. Why you ask? Well, because they have very cute stuff made by Austin ...Read More