Unopened Packages

We’ve been back from vacation for more than a week now and while I still may be dreaming about the beautiful places I saw in Italy and the very relaxing time I had in Germany, reality is another thing. I went back to work as soon as we got back and we also had family in town for quite a few days after.

Our house is a total mess and it’ll probably have to remain a mess for a while longer because my free time is going into bookbinding and preparing for the Austin Craft Riot Show. If you are in town on August 18 come see me at the Palmer Auditorium:

And, you know things are busy here when I haven’t even gotten to my book packages. Look at all this bounty that was waiting for me when I got back:

Sorry dear books. You may have to wait a bit longer. I am reading of course just not as much right now. Good thing I read a lot on vacation. Currently I’m reading Blood Orange by Drusilla Campbell. Interesting.

Hope you are all doing great dear friends. I’ll try to pop in here now and then to catch up on some book talk.

  1. August 6, 2012
  2. August 6, 2012
  3. August 11, 2012
  4. August 13, 2012