Teaser Tuesday

TeaserTuesdays-ADailyRhythm3I’m back for another Teaser Tuesday hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. The rules: grab your current read, open to a random page, and share two (2 or 3) “teaser” sentences from that page while avoiding any spoilers.

I have a couple of teasers for you from one of my current reads. I put this one aside recently because I have two other books that I’ve been focusing on but putting these teasers together remind me of how much I’m enjoying this book and will certainly get back to it:

“This event happened a few years back, in 2017, the year when Serbia and Turkey became members of the European Union, shortly before the EU dissolved.” Pg. 41

“You put your ear to the front desk, as to a train track, and you know what’s up at the hotel. You know even more if you don’t sleep. Who has escaped a spouse, children, family, debt collectors, or the police. Who steals, who begs, who sleeps around, who gives the beatings and who gets them, who stares all day long at the ceiling, at the wall, at the warped parquet floor, and forgets to breathe.” Pg. 88

Did you guess where these teasers are from?

They are from Zagreb Noir, a collection of noir short stories. These two teasers came from two different short stories but I hope they got your attention. So do you think you’d pick up this book?

  1. March 22, 2016
  2. March 22, 2016
  3. March 22, 2016