RT Magazine

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI hope you all had a great weekend. While I don’t think I spent a lot of time reading, I did finish two books which I’ll tell you more about soon and I made progress on a couple of others.

I was also planning to work on some crafty projects but I ended up being sucked into two issues of RT Book Reviews Magazine. I really enjoy this magazine. I know it’s main focus is on reviews of romance novels, whether they are historicals, contemporary or series books, but over the years the magazine has expanded its coverage to include YA novels, mysteries, inspirational and even fantasy.

I don’t read many romances, maybe one or two a year, but you know I love mysteries so while that may be the main reason to get this magazine, I also do enjoy reading about the other books. Inevitably there are books from other genres that capture my attention too.

Any of you read this one? What are some of your favorite magazines for book reviews?

Now, I’m off to finish reading Doll God by Luanne Castle. I’m excited to take part in the poetry tour for this new collection. Tell you more about it in my next post!

  1. February 23, 2015
  2. February 23, 2015
  3. February 23, 2015
  4. February 24, 2015
  5. February 26, 2015