Reading Frenzy

In the last two weeks I’ve finished five books. I don’t think I’m reading any faster, and granted the books haven’t been lengthy or difficult, but I guess I’ve found more time for reading lately.

I’m taking a little break from my crafty stuff. I love paper, playing with colors, creating and all that good stuff but every so often I like to take a step away from it. Recharge the creative juices you know.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve read:
The Man With a Load of Mischief by Martha Grimes
Ella in Bloom by Shelby Hearon
How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life by Mameve Medwed
Like the Red Panda by Andrea Seigel
Spilling Clarence by Anne Ursu

All links go to my mini reviews. Spoiler free so you can read them if you are interested in any of these books. Now I’m off to finish up another novel.