New Books

I’m still waiting for my Amazon box to arrive but I have received a few new ARCs lately so I thought I’d tell you about those today.

  • How To Buy A Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson. I remember seeing this book when it was first out in hardback and adding it to my list just for the title alone! Some of the reviews I read of it afterwards were not very glowing but I’m still up for giving this one a try.
  • The Companion by Lorcan Roche. A darkly humorous story about the unlikeliest of friendships. Trevor is a cynical Irish film-school dropout who answers an ad to spend a summer serving as a companion to Ed, a New York city teenager with muscular dystrophy.
  • Catherine of Siena by Don Brophy. Deeply researched and based on the latest sources, this history recalls Saint Catherine–as she would later be called–as a champion of peace who cajoled and, at times, begged popes, monarchs, and ordinary citizens to do her will.

Oh and actually I did get a bookmooch book too. I haven’t been mooching a lot anymore as it seems the books I want are never listed. Anyway, I got The Four Seasons by Laurel Corona which is historical fiction about Antonio Vivaldi’s muse.

How about you? Waiting on any boxes of books?

  1. August 4, 2010
  2. August 4, 2010
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  9. August 5, 2010
  10. August 5, 2010
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  13. August 6, 2010
  14. August 6, 2010
  15. August 6, 2010
  16. August 12, 2010