New Arrivals

I really didn’t need to be shopping at Barnes & Noble over the weekend given how many new books have arrived at Casa Bookgirl but what can you do right?

I’ve got some historical fiction, nonfiction, romance, YA and mystery. I think I’m going to enjoy discovering some new authors. In case you can’t read the titles/authors they are from top to bottom:

The Secret Orphan by Glynis Peters
The German Midwife by Mandy Robotham
Bizarre World by E. Reid Ross
A Beggar’s Kingdom by Paullina Simons
The Tiger Catcher by Paullina Simons
Home Girl by Alex Wheatle
All Eyes On Us by Kit Frick
Off the Grid by Robert McCaw

Let me know if you’ve read any of these or are familiar with the authors. All are new to me so that’s exciting.

  1. August 28, 2019
  2. August 28, 2019
  3. August 28, 2019
  4. August 30, 2019