Mark Your Calendars

Is everyone ready for the weekend? I know, I am. I have a lot of things I want to spend time on but I know I need to be realistic so I’ll have to make a to do list. One thing is for sure, I have got to spend some time reading. Lately I’ve been reading a lot about book prizes starting off with the International Booker Prize and I’m so interested in several of the books. Not just the winner but even some from the long list.

Did you catch that the Booker Prize shortlist was announced this week? Have you read any of those books? I’m curious about three of them and especially, Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi. The winner will be announced November 17th so who knows, maybe I’ll have a chance to read one of these books.

The other book event that is coming up at the end of October and beginning of November is the Texas Book Festival and the authors list was recently announced. As the festival is virtual this year maybe you’ll want to put that on your calendar.

Finally, not necessarily a bookish event but thank you to Jenclair, I heard about World Postcard Day on October 1st. Who is joining in? If writing a letter seems like it may take too much time surely a postcard isn’t too hard right? I love this idea and I’ll be mailing out some postcards. Maybe even making my own. So, if you would like to receive a postcard from me just let me know. I’d love to send you some happy mail.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and can’t wait to hear what you’ll be up to and as always, stay safe! More bookish talk soon.

  1. September 18, 2020
  2. September 19, 2020
  3. September 19, 2020
  4. September 19, 2020
  5. September 21, 2020
  6. September 22, 2020
  7. September 23, 2020
  8. September 25, 2020