I’ve Done It Again

inquisitorskey.jpgOk, how is it possible that once again mystery book group is in a few days and I still haven’t opened the book? This always happens to me. I’ve been a member of different book groups for years and somehow I’m always behind. I think in part it’s because I never want to read the book so far in advance that by the time we discuss the book I’ve already read or am in process of reading several others. I feel like I want to have everything fresh on my mind.

Ah well, this is probably something I’ll still be mentioning for years to come because I can’t imagine that I’ll change my habits. Ha.

So, I better make this a short post and start The Inquisitor’s Key by Jefferson Bass tonight. I’m not sure what I think of this based on the description. Secret societies, the Vatican, a crazed zealot… Is this the Da Vinci Code? I’m going to try and reserve judgement and hopefully it will be an entertaining read. I’ll keep you posted.

What about you, starting any books this evening?

  1. July 13, 2013
  2. July 15, 2013
  3. July 15, 2013
  4. July 16, 2013