First In A Series

I’ve been meaning to tell you about two good mysteries I’ve read lately so if you enjoy a good mystery, grab a cup of something delicious and read all about them.

morbidtaste.jpgI know I’ve mentioned that I’m a fan of the Brother Cadfael series that was adapted for television and starred Sir Derek Jacobi, but I always wanted to read one of the books and so I began at the beginning with A Morbid Taste For Bones.

The first book involves a quest to retrieve the relics of Saint Winifred from a small Welsh village to take them to Shrewsbury Abbey, where Brother Cadfael is the herbalist. Of course things don’t go as planned and someone is murdered.

I absolutely loved this one. I admit I don’t know if it’s partly because I enjoy the television series so much, and of course in my mind Derek Jacobi is Brother Cadfael, but I found it very well written with great character development, and a good bit of intro into society of the time and place. Here’s my full review.

homicideinhardcover.jpgNext is Homicide In Hardcover by Kate Carlisle which is the first in a promising new series about a bookbinder. Brooklyn Wainwright’s mentor Abraham Karastovsky is murdered on the night he showed his work on a famous, and supposedly, cursed copy of Goethe’s Faust.

There are lots of potential suspects, a handsome British security officer and of course an interesting look at the world of book restoration. I had a couple of quibbles with this book, the main one being that the book in question I would think should have been turned over for evidence after it was found with blood after Abraham died. Some of the characters seemed a bit too over the top for my taste as well but I guess what won me over was the bookbinding and restoring part.

Given that I do bookbinding and would one day like to try my hand at restoration, I couldn’t help be drawn into the story. I’ll be looking for the second book in the series but for now here’s my full review.

beholdherespoison.jpgAnd, now what mystery am I reading? Behold, Here’s Poison by Georgette Heyer. I love the atmosphere but I have to say I felt like I was dropped in the middle of an act in progress. Lots of characters and their intentions are introduced right off the bat as well as the murder so I actually had to start taking note of who was who.

Now that I’m a bit further along I don’t feel so lost anymore and am trying to figure out who poisoned the master.

Tell me if you’ve read a good mystery I should add to my list because you know I’m always looking for more.

  1. May 14, 2009
  2. May 14, 2009
  3. May 14, 2009
  4. May 14, 2009
  5. May 14, 2009
  6. May 15, 2009
  7. May 16, 2009
  8. May 20, 2009
  9. May 21, 2009