Elect to Read

Before I get into a recap of the weekend there’s a most important public service announcement to make – People, it’s Banned Book Week! Read more about it and choose to read a book that’s been challenged.

As Oscar Wilde said, “There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well written or badly written.”

Now back to the weekend. I spent a really fun day on Saturday shopping with one of my best friends. We wandered in and out of antique stores, gushed over some of the latest fashions at trendy boutiques and we ate a lot. In our defense we needed a lot of energy for the shopping extravaganza, thus brunch, afternoon snack, dinner, etc.

To get some rest between the shopping and eating we also went to see The Forgotten. Oh but wait, we had popcorn and Cokes so never mind about the break from eating.

Despite that it was a shopping day I didn’t buy much. Just a little blue wallet and some blue quartz beads for a little project I’m working on. Yes, on top of the writing and reading I also like to do crafty things.

And a funny thing happened at the bookstore. I was at Border’s on Friday buying a new address book and the cashier mentioned that this was a small purchase compared to what I normally get. Oh my – others have noticed my addiction.

Now off to read some challenged fiction.