
You know you’ve read too many mysteries when you start dreaming you are a special undercover agent. Move over Sydney Bristow and Charlie’s Angels, because last night I was BookGirl P.I., armed with a reading light and a book bag.

In my dream, I was in some seedy town checking out an apartment building. I told the realtor I was looking for a new space for my office but the real reason I wanted this place was that I knew the next door neighbors were involved in the crime I was solving.

My alarm clock rang so I didn’t get to figure out what the crime was. Overdue books perhaps?

Tonight I went to my Murder on Mondays book group. We meet once a month and read, you guessed it, mysteries. So, I guess I’ll be Nancy Drew in my dreams tonight.

And, totally unrelated but definitely worth mentioning, go say congrats to Stefanie at So Many Books. She was named one of the best literary blogs by The Guardian.