Currently Reading

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s time to do a little update on my current reads. I have four books going on right now and while I’m tempted to add another my focus is going to be on finishing one this weekend to prepare for my book group night next week.

So I’m still reading The Opposite House by Helen Oyeyemi. Unfortunately I haven’t made much more progress in this since the last time I mentioned it but I will return to it.

For Nonfiction November my first read, and hopefully not only read, is Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. This book is fascinating. It is about dying and medicine so not easy topics but topics that we should talk about to make the last days better. I worked in a nursing home for a couple of years and I think this is probably why this book is really making an impact on me.

Moving on to lighter reads are two mysteries. I normally don’t have two mysteries going on at once but it just worked out that way this time. The first is Medicus by Ruth Downie and this is for my mystery book group night. I just started this one last night so I’ll have to get back to you with more thoughts on this one later.

The last book on my nightstand is The Caretaker by A.X. Ahmad. I really like this mystery of a former Army commander from India now living in Martha’s Vineyard and struggling to make ends meet. He finds a job as a caretaker for a senator and his troubles have just become worse.

Those are my current reads. I really want to add a German book for German Literature Month but I probably should finish at least one of these right? So what about you, what are you currently reading and enjoying?

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead. I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on… I can’t wait!

  1. November 13, 2015
  2. November 16, 2015
  3. November 16, 2015
  4. November 16, 2015
  5. November 17, 2015
  6. November 18, 2015