A Bit of This & That

Who’s excited about the weekend? I know I am. Anyway, I’ve got a few things to update you on so let’s get started.

First, thank you everyone who entered the giveaway for Long Division by Jane Berentson and with help from Random.org the winners are Juliann and Amy. Thanks again to Jane for the guest post and the publisher for the books.

I also want to wrap up the 1930s Mini Challenge that Nymeth hosted. I read Mariana by Monica Dickens and unfortunately I never got around to writing a review. I was a little bit disappointed by the book, which I hate to admit as it’s a Persephone and I’ve loved some of their books, but I think this was a case of my expectations of the book were different. I kept hoping it would focus more on Mary as a young woman in the 1930s not so much her childhood. Anyway, I’m still glad I read it and of course thank you Nymeth for hosting the challenge!

I’ve finished a couple of my current reads and although I should probably focus on the last two the other day I got The Affinity Bridge by George Mann and that’s been capturing my attention. When I got an ARC of The Osiris Ritual (the second book in the series) I think some of you mentioned that I should read Bridge first.

I’ve been wanting to read a Steampunk novel to see what it’s all about and oh my goodness, this is a fun ride so far! It’s got zombies, bizarre flying contraptions, a mystery, a sleuth and sidekick and of course it’s all in Victorian London. Frankly, my other reads are now going to have to wait.

So that’s the scoop from me. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and more book talk soon.

  1. July 9, 2010
  2. July 9, 2010
  3. July 9, 2010
  4. July 9, 2010
  5. July 9, 2010
  6. July 9, 2010
  7. July 9, 2010
  8. July 9, 2010
  9. July 9, 2010
  10. July 10, 2010
  11. July 10, 2010
  12. July 10, 2010
  13. July 10, 2010
  14. July 12, 2010
  15. July 12, 2010
  16. July 12, 2010