Monthly Archive:: August 2007

Chapter One

I love how books begin; those passages that lead us by the hand across the luxurious lawns, that portage us gently up the gravel drive, toward the manor house. The author is still a kind host here, anxious that we mingle with the other ...Read More

Another Meme

Thank goodness for Litlove’s meme because blogging has been hard for me this week. It’s not that I don’t want to blog or visit, but lately work has been super busy so that’s left me with less free time and energy. Plus, I’m starting ...Read More


I saw this Q&A on Dewey’s blog the other day and had to borrow it. What are you reading right now? I’m still reading Don Quixote, obviously at a very slow pace as I’m only on page 140. My other book is Sacred Cows ...Read More