Monthly Archive:: August 2006

Crime Pays

According to the Mslexia article on the growing popularity of crime novels, in the past decade the list of the 10 most borrowed titles has been dominated by gritty police procedurals. With Barbara Taylor Bradford and Catherine Cookson being replaced by Patrica Cornwell and ...Read More

A Good Cause

Communities hit by Hurricane Katrina are still trying to reconstruct and one group of New Orleans writers has found a way to make a difference. The New Orleans Haiku Society has recently published, Katrina – Ku: Storm Poems. From imagery of downed power lines ...Read More

Mark My Calendar

I was at the library today and saw the announcement I look forward to seeing every year – Library Book Sale! It’s still a month a way but just like any other important date; such as birthdays, vacations and the like, the book sale ...Read More