Monthly Archive:: March 2006

Library Holds

Oh no, I got an email from the library and several books I had put on hold have come in at once. Don’t you hate it when that happens? The three that came in are: Love Walked in by Marisa de los Santos The ...Read More

Readers Recommend

I just love getting recommendations from you guys. In case anyone missed out on the chick-lit post from yesterday, I asked if there were any good chick-lit choices out there. Here are some of the titles that were recommended: Serving Crazy with Curry by ...Read More

Chick-Lit Pandemic?

I haven’t paid much attention to chick-lit in a long while. I went through a phase of reading tons of it after I read Bridget Jones but soon found that a lot of chick-lit was just awful. It was basically the same book with ...Read More